hey love <3

Everything here is made to spread awareness for chronic illness and is made with love and kindness ❤️

My intention behind each product is to help remind you of who you truly are (beautiful, confident, and strong) and that you are not alone in this journey.

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my mission

To spread kindness and joy and help others feel confident, beautiful, and less alone in the world.

  • handmade with love

    Everything on my store is infused with a handmade element and crafted with love as if I knew you personally.

  • functional, cute & meaningful

    Each item is designed not just to make your life easier, but to also allow you to express your personality with modern designs that enhance your style.

  • designed with you in mind

    Every product is carefully crafted as if I were going to use it personally (most of which I do).

  • raising awareness

    The whole purpose of what I do is to spread kindness and joy while raising awareness through my creativity for chronic illnesses.